Equal Segments


Susan Sexton


Given three points A, B, and C, draw a line intersecting AC in the point X and BC in the point Y such that AX = XY = YB.



To begin, I thought it was a simple matter of using circles.  I picked a point, X, on AC and constructed a circle whose center is at X and whose radius is AX.


Next I constructed a circle whose center is at B and whose radius is AX.

Then I enlarged circle X until the circles intersected on segment CB at some point Y.

Since XY is a radius of circle X then it is equal to AX and since circle B was constructed to be congruent to circle X then YB must be equal to XY and AX.  So then it is complete.


But that works when you have a nice drawing software package such as GSP.  How would I find these segments without moving the circles around?  Back to square one.


At least I knew that if I constructed AB then I would have quadrilateral AXYB.  So perhaps I can recreate the quadrilateral or at least a similar quadrilateral.


So I again picked a point, now called X', on segment AC and constructed a circle whose center is at X' and whose radius is AX'.  Next I constructed a circle whose center is at B and whose radius is AX'.  I labeled the intersection of this circle with segment BC as Y'.  Next I constructed AB. 

Then I attempted to construct a quadrilateral similar to my desired quadrilateral off of segment AX'.  So I constructed a line parallel to AB through Y' that intersects circle X' at point Y''.  Next I constructed a line parallel to CB through Y''. This line intersects AB at point B'.



So AX' = X'Y'' = Y''B' and I have a similar, smaller version of the desired segments.



Now I will clean up the sketch a bit to focus on just the similar figure.

So if I construct a line through A and Y'' then that line will intersect segment BC at the true Y. 


Next if I construct a line parallel to X'Y'' through Y then that line will intersect AC at the true X.


So I have constructed the desired segments and I can confirm this with the measurement tools.



Here is a script of the finding AX = XY = YB for any length AC and CB.

Equal Segments




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